Economical & Financial Forecast English version
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Economical & Financial Forecast : PEF-2024-24_08_05-ENG (English)
Different versions of the Economic Plan can be distinguished by the date in the name.
yyyy mm dd is the date a particular version was created or released: (year month and day)
ES, ENG or PT is the language: Spanish (ES), English (ENG) or Portuguese (PT)
Main updates (English Version)
- (16 08 ) Subisidies cash can be distributed in different years and thorugh different months so that cash flow forecasts can be more accurate.
- (16 08 ) Personal Income Tax rate updated according to Spanish Regulation.
- (16 08 ) Withhoding tax amount for professionals updated from 19% to 15% according to Spanish Regulation.
- (17 01 ) Possibility to make stocks grow proportionally to sales (Current Assets new investments) or make the invariable (Parameters Sheet)
- (17 01) Possibility that the economic year (cycle) may not match the natural year. It can go from january to december, from april to march, july to june or from septembrer to august. (Basic Data Sheet)
- (18 01) Social Security reduced fees for freelance. (Spanish Social Security) Brasil Currency available (BR$) (Parameters Sheet) and also ICMS (indirect brazilian taxation equivalent to VAT) (Basic Data Sheet)
- (18 02) Personal Income Tax rates updated for year 2017
- (18 12) On & Offline Marketing budget, fixed (periodical) and variable according to sales.
- (18 12) Marketing metrics: CAC, RA, VC and LTV
- (19 06) Social Security Subsidy for RETA (free lance) and Societary Social Security update (Spanish Regulation) At Staff Sheet the Social Security fee is automated including the flat fee for the first year and the discounts for the following years. The Societary Social Security fee is also included and automated for Mercantil Societies.
- (19 07) Windows System Languages compatibility: A tiny scroll has been added at cell O19 of sheet Basic Data so user can choose between «aa» and «yy» By doing so the issue related with language compatibility for English based systems in Windows (and other languages) can be solved. The issue is related with the date formatting for the years which is «yy» or «yyyy» for English (and other languages) and it is «aa» or «aaaa» for other languages such as Spanish, Portuguese or other. By choosing the appropriate, the issue can be solved.
- (31 07) Bug fixed in the formulas for marketing expenses at the Fixed Expenses spreadsheet.
Bug fixed in the formula of the automated Social Security fee in Human Resources spreadsheet.
ENGLISH: Please Help us Improve: If you find any error in the English version please help us improve the tool. There are hundreds of formulas, comments, labels, etc. We try to do our best making the tool available in English but off course erros occur. We will be most thankful should you email us with any mistake, suggestion or comment. Report suggestion